Odds and Ends

I thought that once I had a child, my blog would become really interesting. I thought I would have all of these cute/embarassing stories about my daughter and myself as a new mom.


Or maybe I do and I'm just too tired to remember them. Yes, that's probably it.

Speaking of blogging, I've been meaning to sit down and re-vamp mine. I have a fancy schmancy camera (for almost a year now) that I'm too lazy to figure out how to use. I want to make my own banner and resize and edit my photos. I think I've figured out how, but when I have the time to sit down and do it, I decide that I'd rather nap.

Maybe this weekend? Probably not.

Starbucks has it's red cup out. I LOVE that silly red cup! Too bad I usually go to 7-11 to get my coffee in the morning. It's good, it's fast and it's waaaay cheaper.....

Dear 7-11, you need your own red cup.

I must confess that this past week my husband has been getting up early to work out. On his way home, he stops at 7-11 and BRINGS me coffee! It's not in a red cup(I must get passed this) but it totally makes my day a good one.

I love that man!

My daughter will be 5 months old next week. I can't believe she's growing this fast...slow down! She is so much fun and I am having such a good time watching her learn new things. She's just about to sit up and before I know it, she'll be crawling all over our house!

Maybe then, I'll have some material for interesting posts/pictures. Ehh, probably not.


And Baby Makes Three


And Baby Makes Three


This is a test entry.

This is a test photo.


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